

Zdravko Joksimović

Location: Beograd

Date: 15.04 – 15.05.2021

Works made in different materials such as rubber, leather, wood and metal represent the author’s continuation of research into new technical possibilities of cutting various materials, which transfer drawings into the third dimension. With this process, the dynamics and rhythm as an expressive means of those drawings are improved and perfected. The works also explore the color possibilities of the mentioned materials. The author Zdravko Joksimović re-examines the artistic values ​​of drawings through new technological procedures.

Zdravko Joksimović says about the work at this exhibition:

“…As never before, I worked without any pressure, as if all the time in the world was mine. Like never before this corona, I realized how modest and demanding the creative spirit is at the same time, and only he knows how these two completely different characters can live in the same body. Like never before, I exhibited my sculptures without an iota of make-up, without a manicure treatment and without the magic hands of a plastic surgeon. I have never been less involved in what I do. I let these sculptures make themselves. Like never before, I gave up every idea that was rushing to become someone and something…”